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Commercial EarthKind Compost 

Commercial Food Scrap & Organic Waste Pick Up Service

As each establishment has unique requirements, all commercial quotes are customized based on the specific needs of each business. Please schedule a consultation today!

Residential EarthKind Compost

Residential Food Scrap & Organic Waste Pick Up Service

Residential pickup available to single/multiple dwelling family homes, apartment buildings, and townhouse communities. 

1-2 Person Households

• $20.00/TWO WEEKS (billed monthly)

• $25.00: One time Set-up fee

• 5-gallon bucket with lid and compostable liner included

• Bucket serviced and cleaned, liner replaced twice a month

• No contract, month to month
• Compost giveback in the Spring*

3-5 Person Households

• $15.00/WEEK (billed monthly)

• $25.00: One-time set-up fee

• 5-gallon bucket with lid and compostable liner included

• Bucket serviced and cleaned, liner replaced once a week

• No contract, month to month
• Compost giveback in the Spring*

What To Do With Ya ‘Snazzy’ Bucket’…

Step 1


Place the liner in bucket and
secure with rubber band.

Step 2


Fill said ‘Snazzy’ bucket with scraps! If it grows it goes!

Step 3


Set Bucket Out Night Before Pick Up


*Compost - aka “Black Gold” - giveback for your own use in Garden and/or Houseplants or can be donated by you to a Garden, a school, or whomever you choose. Can also be donated on your behalf by EarthKind Compost.

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